Oh.. how i love this man!!! This was one of the happiest days of my life!! To know that I get to spend the rest of MY life with this amazing, wonderful, hard working man!!! Words CAN NOT express how thankful I am of this man!!
BUT.. do you see this little girl here?? Do you have ANY idea how much she LOVES her Daddy!!!!! Even before she was born, she would go crazy when he was around!! And now...
He is so wrapped around her tiny fingers!!! She is insanely crazy about him!!! When he comes in from work or being on the road.. the expression on her face is .. kinda tear jerking!! She looks at him like... "Daddy? is that really you? YAAAYYYYY!!!" And sticks her hand on his face to make SURE it REALLY is him!! (Definitely puts that little/big knot in my throat... EVERY time!!)
I must say.. THIS was the HAPPIEST day of MY life!!! I seen a whole different person in him!!! He is truly an AMAZING daddy!!!
She LOVES kisses from daddy!! (I think its the whiskers tehee)
We like waking Daddy up with LOTS of smiles and she tells him about her dreams :))
And I must say He LOVES her so much!! He jokes and says that he loves her more than Mommy.. I don't mind a bit ;)

And this is what he does for a living. He works out on the road ..A LOT.. and works in Rain/Sleet/AND snow!!! But he hardly ever complains. And he does this and works super hard so Addy can have everything she needs and most of what she wants!! He is tired A LOT, but we try to keep him happy and stay up beat all of the time. We also try to tell him and show him how much he is appreciated and LOVED!!! He is one amazing man and WE couldn't be happier to have him apart of our lives!!
WE LOVE YOU OH SO DEARLY!!!! And thank you for everything that you have done, that you do, and that you will do!!!
Thank you LORD for this amazing, wonderful, hard working man!!!